DNA Mutation

How Serious is MTHFR C677T Heterozygous Mutation?

 Rosalba Mancuso  27 April 2023

The heterozygous mutation of MTHFR C677T gene affects less than 50% of Europeans, and even though it is classified as a normal genetic polymorphism, namely an unharmful condition, it is…

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Avian flu

Avian Flu. How Dangerous is for Humans?

 Rosalba Mancuso  23 February 2023

A few days ago, WHO General Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned the entire world about the risk of a potentially dangerous avian flu pandemic among humans. The fear went off…

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Cure for Autoimmune Disease

Cures for Autoimmune Diseases

 Rosalba Mancuso  15 December 2022

Even though doctors affirm that no cure is possible for autoimmune diseases, medical research is making great strides forward to find specific cures for all the autoimmune disorders which are…

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Why Everybody Worries About Monkeypox?

 Rosalba Mancuso  27 September 2022

Since its first appearance, in the past May, the monkeypox outbreak raised large concerns around the world, especially in Europe, where it has broken out with particular virulence. Why? We…

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Autoimmune stress

Can Autoimmune Diseases Cause Low Stress Tolerance?

 Rosalba Mancuso  4 March 2022

Can autoimmune diseases cause stress disorders? That is a question I asked myself many times. Searching on the Web, in fact, I found tons of information on the opposite matter,…

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