Global Health Summit 2021 Italy. What You Must Know

Global Health Summit

Last Updated on 17 June 2024

The Global Health Summit 2021 has been co – hosted in Rome through a virtual forum which has been held on May 21, 2021 with the foremost global leaders of Politics, Science and Economy. As of December 2020, in fact, the European Commission, and Italy, as chair of the G20, have been entitled to be the seat of this important global conference on health.

Purpose of the Global Health Summit 2021 in Italy

The summit aimed to share the lesson the Covid – 19 pandemic and to find new methods and solutions to protect the world from future pandemics. For this reason, during this international meeting, it has been endorsed a series of principles remembered as the “Rome Declaration”.  

There have been many discussions on the ground, such as, for example, the improvement of global health and the usage of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare systems around the world. Every discussion has been supported by different point of views and scientific evidences coming from authoritative organizations, such as the WHO’s World Health Assembly, the Independent Panel for pandemic preparedness and response, and the High-Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on financing the global commons for pandemic preparedness and response.

The entire Global Health Summit has been built around the Coronavirus Global Response, which last year raised nearly €16 billion from donors worldwide for universal access to coronavirus treatments, tests and vaccines. That is regarded as the most impressive global investment ever seen in the history of Mankind.

Maybe, none knows that behind the challenges that coronavirus pandemic posed in the world, there are large efforts and dramatic actions of generosity, which, besides medical research, allowed us to have effective vaccines and secure treatments in a very short lapse of time.


The official website of the Global Health Summit Europe reported the complete list of the participants of the Global Summit 2021 in Italy.

Here are them.

G20 members: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. Singapore, Spain, and the Netherlands are guest countries.

 Heads of state or government from Portugal (as Presidency of the Council of the EU), Norway (as Co-Chair  of the ACT-Accelerator), and Switzerland

Leaders of international and regional organisations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the African Union, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Representatives of global health actors such as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI), the Global Fund, and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

Mario Draghi, Prime Minister of Italy, said that “The Global Health Summit is a special event of the Italian G20 Presidency held in cooperation with the European Commission. It will provide a timely opportunity to share the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will discuss how to improve health security, strengthen our health systems and enhance our ability to deal with future crises in a spirit of solidarity”.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, instead, affirmed that “The world needs to be better prepared to protect humanity against future pandemics. We have to learn our lessons, and all countries need to better work together for improving global health security. To support these efforts the European Union will co-host a Global Health Summit with the Italian G20 Presidency”.

People were also allowed to attend the virtual event, through the website of the Global Health Summit Europe. On the website, there are the various dates of the recorded meetings. They started from April, 7, 2021 and ended on May, 18, 2021. These meetings regard the discussions of the Global Health Summit in Italy which has been held on May 21, 2021. If you scroll down the page of the above mentioned website, you’ll find the social links to follow the Italian Health Summit recorded on May, 21, 2021.

Coming back to talk about the main topic of the summit, we are sure about future pandemics, but don’t know about their severity and when they may occur.

The Global Health Summit in Rome has been a great occasion to take stock of the situation and prevent a new global scourge.

Global population does not know, yet, the true cause of the coronavirus pandemic.

For this reason, the Us President Joe Biden has even instructed the Us Intelligence to discover if the Covid-19 pandemic has been caused by an accident in the Chinese laboratory of Wuhan.

However, some scientists with an amazing vision have a truthful explanation about the true cause of the Covid – 19 pandemic.

As regards this matter, I want to report the statement of Italian geologist Mario Tozzi during an interview on the Italian television: “The pandemic has been caused by we humans. Our intervention in the natural environment, caused the migration of some species to areas of the world where they should not stay. These species, such as the so-called bat of fruit, relocated from tropical forests to the coasts of China. The aforementioned bats are the natural host of coronavirus. With no deforestation, maybe this pandemic would not be occurred”.

To know more about the causes of pandemics, you can also read this interesting book.

In short, to prevent future pandemics, humans must stop destroying the natural environment. It would also be better to adopt more sustainable business choices and a healthier lifestyle.

Some animal species, natural hosts of viruses and bacteria, should be kept far away from our cities to avoid the spillover of viruses from animals to humans. But if we continue to burn kms of forest, the hosts of viruses will continue to migrate and we’ll have always new pandemics.

Yes, the Italian Global Health Summit has been a great occasion to defend environment and human health. We hope that after these discussions, science will have a new humanitarian push to do the most for us. For the world. For everybody.


Rosalba Mancuso is a medical journalist, an international writer credited at the University of Washington and a blogger born in Sicily. She is internationally appreciated for founding three online magazines in English. On, Rosalba writes well researched and detailed health content backed by her experience as a medical content writer for pharma companies and as a PR assistant for a clinical analysis laboratory. She is also a member of the AHCJ, American Association of Health Care Journalists and Center for Excellence in Health Journalism. This magazine survives thanks to your help. Feel free to send a spontaneous donation to support the efforts that Rosalba makes to produce her articles.