About Modernhealthinfo.com

Modernhealthinfo.com is a trustworthy health magazine that delves into the most critical diseases of modernity.

This health magazine has been founded by Rosalba Mancuso, a medical journalist born in Sicily. She learned many things about health and diseases in her lifetime, both as a patient and as a health journalist who has covered health and medicine during her long journalism career started in 1994.

When Rosalba was 12 years old, she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. At that age, her parents noticed that her neck had the shape of a large goiter. They took her, hence, to a hospital in Turin. Doctors executed all the tests and the blood exams revealed she had over one million of thyroid antibodies. From then, she experienced and endured all the health problems related to a thyroid disease: depression, stomach pain from alleged IBS (Irritable Syndrome Bowel), irritability, strange and frequent inflammations, gluten sensitivity, and other…

Over the years, Rosalba realized that the most of doctors treated her as a thing, not as a person. They always applied the same treatment without deepening further on the origin of her several disorders. Only one of them, a day, when she was a teenager, said to her: “In the future, you’ll have to be very strong and courageous, because your condition will pose you always new challenges…”. Rosalba still remember his words. They have always been her mantra, in her life and in her work. Obviously, this endocrinologist knew about the several disorders she would have endured in her lifetime.

This experience and condition pushed Rosalba to develop a strong interest in the modern diseases which are plaguing our century.

Her health writing, indeed, is backed by a long experience as a journalist started in 1994, in Italy, for print and online publications, and as an international content writer in 2012, afterwards credited at the University of Washington.

Before that (from 1985 to 1990), Rosalba studied at the Technical College ‘Giorgio Arcoleo’ of Caltagirone, in Sicily, and obtained an academic diploma in Marketing, Science and Language Arts that provided a solid Education and made her who she is today: a complete person, a complete woman, a professional health writer and a precise reporter.

Furhermore, during her writing career, Rosalba has written articles for health blogs, medical websites, pharma companies all over the world, and worked as a PR assistant for a clinical analysis laboratory.

For her professional experience, she has also been admitted as a member of AHCJ, the American Association of Health Care Journalists and Center for Excellence in Health Journalism.

On Modern Health Info, Rosalba explores modern diseases in the following subjects: Aging, Allergies, Autoimmune Diseases, Cancer, Infectious diseases, Mental Health and Nutrition.

Additionally, her current condition of middle-aged woman affected by autoimmune thyroiditis, bipolar depression and Parkinson’s has led her to specialize in stories about autoimmunity, mental health, and neurological disorders.